Tag: environment
- 1Climate Town HallsHost town hall meetings where young people can directly engage with candidates and elected officials on environmental issues. This provides a platform for open discussions and accountability.
- 1Environmental HackathonsOrganize hackathons and innovation challenges focused on developing solutions to environmental problems. Encourage young participants to engage with politicians and policymakers to promote their ideas
- 1Reduce taxes on Extended Warranty OptionsManufacturers should be be encouraged to offer extended warranty options at reasonable costs, ensuring that products remain functional beyond standard warranty periods. This initiative will promote tr... Read more...
- 1Promotion of water refill stationsEncourage businesses, cafes, and public venues to offer water refill stations for customers and the public. Provide incentives to establishments that participate.
- 1Mandatory plastic bottle return schemesImplement mandatory bottle return schemes, where consumers receive a financial incentive for returning empty bottles. Ensure efficient collection and recycling systems are in place.
- 1Step up EU policy on Wildlife conservationMany actions to implement: Develop an extensive network of protected areas and habitats to safeguard essential ecosystems and species. Introduce EU-wide regulations to shield endangered and vulner... Read more...
- 1Industrial Water Efficiency StrategySupporting the development and application of water-saving technologies and practices, we can harness innovation as a driving force for sustainable water management. Public awareness campaigns will... Read more...
- 1Exit the Energy Charter Treaty and introduce binding social and environmental clauses in all trade agreementsThe much-discussed Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) allows the fossil fuel industry to sue a country when the government takes climate and environmental measures that could harm its future profits. Environ... Read more...
- 1GREEN EUROPEEurope’s nature has so many forests, mountains, long rivers, deep seas, etc... But it also is under threat. Unsustainable farming and forestry practices, pollution, climate change and invasive speci... Read more...
- 1A comprehensive european plan for Hydrogen energy productionThe European Union should implement a comprehensive plan to promote the production and use of hydrogen as a clean energy source. This plan should include funding for research and development of hydrog... Read more...