To abolish all military aerobatic displays in Europe


We continue to declaim the refrain of ecological transition, but at the same time, we keep highly polluting and economically wasteful spectacles alive. Does it make sense? Wouldn’t it be advisable to eliminate these useless events and allocate the savings to more urgent services? Wouldn’t it be equally appropriate to seek the opinion of citizens to activate or maintain “services” that are not only clearly superfluous but also harmful or even dangerous? Also, because we are the ones who pay the cost! In Italy, there are the Frecce Tricolori, and in Europe, there are many similar bodies, costly, useless, and polluting. To abolish all military aerobatic displays in Europe would be a significant policy change: Cost Savings: Military aerobatic displays involve substantial expenses for aircraft maintenance, fuel, and personnel. Eliminating these displays could free up funds for other essential military needs.

Safety: Aerobatic displays can be risky, and accidents have occurred during these performances, potentially resulting in loss of life and damage to equipment. Eliminating them could reduce these risks.

Environmental Impact: Military aircraft displays contribute to pollution and noise. Their elimination could have a positive impact on the environment.

Resource Allocation: Military forces can redirect resources and efforts towards more relevant training and readiness activities.

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