The promotion of public transport has emerged as one of the fundamental pillars of urban sustainability. Compared to the private car, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, both i the operation and in the manufacture of vehicles, the descongestion of urban traffic, economic savings, time savings, and recovery of urban space for the citizen, subtracting from the private vehicle, are some of its great advantages.
Public transport is one of the most important services for European integration, so much so that it makes it easier to comply with the freedom of movement of people, services and good throughout the community territory. But not only do the represent a social advance, but the are presented as key economic factor for the European Union, because it contributes a lot.
My idea is that the Eu promotes a smart transport card sytem for standardized use in all public transport in the European Union that encourages greater use of this type sustainable mobility.
The European transport card could be a smart card that allows payment and access to public transport: buses, metro, traing even bicycles.