Decentrate for greener and more sustainable living


Our cities are getting more and more crowded, hotter and expensive. These changes have an even bigger impact on us, European youths, when taking into consideration our often precarious housing and economical conditions.
A way to respond to this challenge could be to help the youths to gain access to affordable housing in less inhabited areas, while de-centering the activities and services from the city centers and improving transportation between areas outside of the city centers.
This idea could be further articulated into the following points:
– Increase availability of affordable housing. This could involve building new social housing units, providing subsidies for landlords who rent to low-income tenants, or repurposing vacant buildings.
– Promote de-centralization of activities and services: there is a need to decentralize activities and services from city centers to make living in less inhabited areas more attractive. This could involve building community facilities such as libraries, community centers, and health clinics.
– Support sustainable transportation options. This could involve investing in public transportation options such as buses and trains, as well as promoting sustainable transportation options such as bike-sharing programs and carpooling.
– Facilitate the integration of young people in new areas: local governments and community organizations could offer support services to help young people integrate into new communities.
An additional point related to the environmental aspect of the idea could be to prioritize the development of sustainable and eco-friendly housing options in less inhabited areas.
By taking a multi-faceted approach that addresses the challenges of affordable housing, de-centralization of activities and services, and sustainable transportation, it is possible to help young people gain access to affordable housing in less inhabited areas and build more inclusive, sustainable and vibrant communities across Europe.

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